Description The iconography and format of the painting indicate that it was intended for the home, personal worship of one of the very wealthy families. According to expert Pierluigi Carofano, in this work the master combines the joyful style of Cecchino Salvati, the stern style of the Medici tombstones and the interpretation of the images of the Last Judgment frescoes by Michelangelo. The play of fabric folds and colors, the figure of the Baby is filled with refined “mannerism” and virtuosity of mannerism. Severe facial expressions, the heroic dignity of the characters, their statuesque appearance are the influence of Michelangelo. Jacopino del Conte was very familiar with Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, Raphael's Stanzas and the paintings of Giuliano Romano. Jacopino creatively reworked the legacy of his colleagues. The composition “Holy Family” demonstrates his refined decorativeness and extravagance, as well as the depth of content, clarity and integrity of the images.